Picked this gun up recently so naturally here is my take on the pistol.
For me part of the enjoyment I get from airgun shooting are the aesthetics of the guns. If the gun looks like it's real steel counterpart this for me adds to that
enjoyment. Though I'm not particularly interested in BB guns per say, the availability of a number of good looking replicas of late has peaked my interest if only as collectables.

Umarex has always produced some of the best if not the best replica airguns in the business. With the Colt Defender they pretty much hit it spot on. It is a very convincing piece with all the details. The only way you are going to get a closer replica pistol is to buy an airsoft pistol or gun. They have every detail perfectly matched including field stripping etc. But if you can't obtain airsoft guns then Umarex has done the next best thing.

The gun itself is non blow back and as such things like the safety, rear sights, and hammer are all molded in. In other words non functioning. This is a double action only gun. The gun is pretty much all metal except for the plastic grips. The gun also comes with an accessory rail underneath to mount your flashlight or laser if you are so inclined. The gun has a nice weight @ 1.6 lbs.
Though I have not chronied it yet it claims to have an fps of 440. Which if true is decent for a BB gun.

The markings on the pistol itself are well done. With the Colt licensed trademarks on the slide it makes this a very handsome looking pistol.

One of the nice details I particularly liked were the colt medalions on the grips.

On the otherside of the slide again is a nice Colt trademark. You'll notice that I painted over the obligatory airgun warnings that are found on these guns, you know the stuff "this is not a toy etc" To me that whole paragraph they are required to put on the guns just takes away from the whole piece in general. So a little masking and a quick spray of flat black and voila, 100 % better. You can also see the safety on this side. I found the safety very nicely accessible. It's easy to switch it on and off with your trigger finger and works very well.

The magazine release is one functioning button, though instead of dropping the magazine out it slides the grips back revealing the co2 compartment on one side and the built in bb channel on the other. Not the most authentic, but hey it's pretty nicely designe nevertheless.

Here you can see where you load the BBs. It holds 16 .177 cal BBs. The gun shoots decent for a BB gun. It is a great gun for shooting cans and such on a sunny afternoon. The trigger pull is heavy, but I found manageable. Hitting cans from 30 feet away was no problem. I think for the money ( got mine here for $75) it definitely is a nice piece to add to your collection. Believe it or not I saw a surplus store selling this gun for $150. ! The gun sells for about $55 average in the U.S.
Like I said I'm not really into BB guns but given their affordablitiy and the looks and quality of the ones that are becoming available some even with drop out magazines and blowback action. I may be getting into these after all. If not only as collectables but fun plinkers. Nothing wrong with that!
Cheers have fun airgunning! Shoot safe and shoot often.
I think you mean, "piqued my interest." :)
ReplyDeleteI am surprise about my self that you have made my interest about guns
ReplyDeleteHy, how I disarmig My gun for a bb inside? Because a can't separete the fron part
ReplyDeleteOnly a few blogger would discuss this topic the way you do.~,”*; 5.7x28 ammo for sale